Different uses of personalised stickers for you business
Are you on the hunt for a versatile, effective and low-cost marketing strategy? Do you want to take your business to the next level without stretching your budget? Then you surely already came across sticker marketing, right?
If you still have doubts whether this marketing strategy can work for you, sit back and relax. We are here to talk you through exactly how you can get the most out of those sticky beauties. When you start using personalised stickers for your marketing, you will never look back.
The beauty of personalised stickers is that you can achieve effects within minutes. You don’t even have to create your own design. If that is just not your thing, all you have to do is modify pre-existing templates using pre-made elements. Many sticker printers offer a free online tool that lets you do exactly that.
But what happens after you have received your stickers? We will share three ways you can put your personalised stickers to good use.
1. Product packaging
Now, your product’s packaging plays a huge part in your customers’ decision making processes. Almost 70% of buyers say that their decisions are influenced by product packaging. That is something you can benefit from.
With stickers, you can quickly create high-quality product packaging. Instead of having to custom print your packaging materials, you can simply order them plain and in bulk – saving you money in the long run – and then brand them with your personalised stickers.
While these should absolutely include your logo, brand and product names, stickers also allow you to try out new approaches. Maybe you want to release a limited edition product line? All you need to level up your packaging for that is a metallic or glitter sticker. Or do you want to give seasonal packaging a try? Simply place an order for some pumpkins or snowflakes with your sticker maker of choice and get sticking.
2. Event handouts
We have all been there. You go to an industry event and come home with tons of business cards, one looking like the other. Or, even worse, you are actively trying to network and create brand awareness, only to know that your cards might get lost among many.
There is no need for that. Spice up your networking and leave a lasting impression with stickers. Other than your typical business card, stickers are less likely to disappear in someone’s drawer or wallet. You can even choose different printed vinyls to create a look that will stand out.
Use a great design or a catchy slogan and watch your branded stickers actually being used by clients and customers. Using kiss cut stickers is a great way to give consumers an amazing sticker while still including all necessary information about your business. When peeling the sticker, they will be left with just the design, while the border contains all they need to know about you. You can visit here to know about the taylorsource. On the other hand, you can also get more essential info on forexrenkocharts
3. Free add-ons
But do not just reserve free stickers for industry events. In fact, you should make them part of every single post-purchase experience. You can do this by simply adding free stickers with every order.
Did you know that, no matter how old we get, we perceive stickers as a gift? It is very rare that marketing materials are not seen as advertising, so you should absolutely try this out. Gift giving ignites a whole host of positive emotions that will be associated with your brand.
Moreover, the receiver of your gift is likely to feel the need to return the favour. This is called the rule of reciprocity, a concept widely known in social psychology. In this context, it means that through something as simple as a free sticker, you increase the likelihood of a repeat purchase or a recommendation. More Information Click Here: sttmag
Now, what do you think? Is sticker marketing the right path for you? We absolutely think so and are excited to see what you will create for your business. Please do share your experience, questions and ideas in the comments below.